Saturday, March 12, 2022

Session 99: Finding Senitar

Session Date: March 11, 2022

In-game date: 19th of Flamerule, 1491

Finding Senitar

"Wizrd for Hire" a.k.a (Skarius) appeared and offered his services. The party hired him with a bit of complaining over his fee. Some in the party clearly felt it unacceptable to offer him a fair share of the treasure but as a whole were unable to clearly negotiate, preferring to complain and render forth sarcasm instead. Skarius wonders if the evil within Lauron Castle is subverting the Wanderers ability to work together. Skarius will certainly keep his eye's on Darrin. To ease relations, Skarius offered to provide support for 1 day for 350 gp and expenses and would than discuss future arrangements. Garren accepted the offer.

Our heroes set about finding Senitar and prepared to follow-up on the lead Caleb gave them concerning a half-elf and a group of children. Caleb said he saw "Chrothum The Putrid" - a necromancer - was with them and they may be in his nearby workshop. But Caleb did say he was uncertain if these were "the" half-elf and children the party was looking for.

Dunning checked the door but was busted by the guards waiting outside. A fight took place with the guards more concerned with taking out Garren than anyone else in the party. The Bonepoweder Ghouls succeeded in dropping Garren, and one attempted to carry him off but ElaDyn punched the ghoul into Skarius's magic circle. Garren was dropped and the ghoul was slaughtered. The fight ended rather quickly with the remainder of the guards blinded by ElaDyns Anhk.

As the characters travelled to Chrothum's workshop, the players themselves were rewarded with a conversation taking place in Graceland between commander Delmar Tales and Quartermaster Lane Tongue. Delmar expressed his developing belief the stories concerning the Wanderer's having been in Graceland multiple times over the years deserved real attention. He suggested to Lang the real fight might be with the Wanderers and the fight at Graceland was but a distraction. Lang, listened and agreed it wasn't a bad idea but expressed it could be difficult to get General Ripley on board with bringing an army to support the Wanderers in their endeavors. They both pondered the idea that someone is able to control time; sending the Wanderers back to complete a job they keep failing.

Delmar also revealed Senitar was late in reporting in. She was investigating the possibility that Orcus had found a way through the fold in the region around the Lauron Wilderness - where the Wanderers always go. He also said Quasnic received a message from someone - possibly Senitar -  and took off without talking to anyone. Both Lang and Delmar expressed their concern Senitar cold be in trouble and agreed to revisit the conversation in the morning.

Delmar finished by asking Lang to come take a look at an individual a patrol had captured the other night. The prisoner claims to be a follower of Orcus. And he was found in the same region the Wanderers come from when they enter this plane.  It would be unusual to find a follower of Orcus on this side of the fold because there are not supposed to be any followers left. Orcus consumed all his followers in the early days of the apocalypse. The fold, put in place by Helios has Orcus isolated and contained. For now.

Chrothum's Workshop

The party found the workshop. A tunnel bore off ahead filled with a dark smelly water. Stationed in front of the water was a wooden hammer and a block of wood. The party attempted several rapping patterns by striking the hammer on the wood. The echo reverberated down the tunnel. 

Darrin and Wolfy climbed across the ceiling to the other side where they found a second hammer and block of wood. Darrin tried a "shave and haircut" pattern on the block but nothing came of it.

Dunning and ElaDyn decided to cross the water. Dunning waded and ElaDyn carefully flew. Unfortunately, the Reach of Nadar took notice of ElaDyn and proceeded to Snatch, Grab and Drown him. The Reach is an abomination crafted by Chrothum. It is a series of incredibly strong and remarkedly agile arms from several Storm Giants that act as guards to Chrothum's lair. They are impossible to see when submerged. The Reach had ElaDyn pinned, paralyzed and suffocating. Garren found himself in a similar situation. Andrasti attempted another syncopated rhythm on the wooden block, she may have been close to solving the puzzle, but it wasn't close enough. Andrasti then attempted to hack at the Reach but they were next to impossible to see when submerged. After a tussle, ElaDyn escaped and so did Garren. At this time, Skarius cast control water and moved the water out of the way. This made the Reach of Nadar now visible and vulnerable. However, the wall of water now cuts off Darrin and Wolfy from the rest of the party. The DM always exploits a split party situation.

Open Loops:

  • Finding Senitar
  • Prison Break
  • Dembe's revival
  • Feeding Orcus
  • Blessing the dead
  • The Lauron Curse
  • The Crow
  • Eretria Awakens

Alliances formed:

  • Trying out Wizrd for Hire

Enemies made:

  • Prison Guards

Allegiance unknown:

  • Caleb Rice

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