Major and Minor NPCs
Arno Rudd
- Fence for the Black Hand Thieves Guild. Contracted Dunning to steal the Lauron Artifacts from the Allfaiths shrine in Red Larch. This appears to have kicked off the apocalypse.
Boral Glotsk
- A New Priest in Town
Deni Tumbler
- A female human rogue who has been hanging around Red Larch and the Dessarian Valley. You have employed her a few times. Has a relationship with Darrin and Garren.
Ellel Harpar
- Traveling Vendor in Red Larch
Eldras Tantur
- Eldras Tantur has been Red Larch’s blacksmith
Eldrith Vallivoe
- A retired caravan merchant who sells new and used goods: furniture, lamps, carpets, mirrors, weapons, shields, helms, and a little bit of everything else. The only vendor in town selling blank books and parchment. Harper contact. Eldrith is the one who purchased the old illuminated books. The trail you followed to Womford and eventually Rivergard Keep.
Haeleeya Hanadroum
- A transplant from Amn, Haeleeya Hanadroum operates a bathhouse and dress shop. Unlike Tarnlar’s down the street, Haeleeya’s caters to local women seeking dresses for special occasions; she makes few garments for men. Easy place to regularly trade in gossip.
Harburk Tuthmarillar
- Red Larch Sheriff
Helvur Tarnlar and Maegla Tarnlar
- Tarnlar’s is the only place to buy quality clothing for a hundred miles around. The clothing, boots, and accessories are all fine, warm, and sturdy, even though few Red Larchers can afford to buy them for everyday wear.
Imdarr Relvaunder
- Right now, Imdarr Relvaunder, a follower of Tempus, is serving at the Allfaiths Shrine in Red Larch. An ally of the Order of the Gauntlet, occasionally passing messages and sending reports on local events to the order.
Lymmura Auldarhk
- Female Tethyrian human acolyte, a devotee of Sune. Another priest at the Allfaiths shrine.
Kaylessa Irkell
- The proprietor of the Swinging Sword. Fortyish and matriarch of her family.
Malecite 🔺
- Gnome alchemist Merchant. Runs a standing store and a mobile business. He has a business relationship with Luna the Swamp Naga and has heard of Andrasti.
Manobari Lorren
- The thin, energetic proprietor of Lorren's Bakery, Mangobarl Lorren, thrives on gossip and can spin many wild tales. Few are true, and none of the secrets are his own.
Symas Lynsor 🔺
- A Priest at the All-Faiths Shrine in Red Larch who has been trying unsuccessfully to befriend a cat named Tobias.
Tobias the cat
- An annoying vain black tomcat running around Red Larch that has an endless list of demands.
Dessarian Valley
The Silmerhelve Family 🔺
- A group of day walker vampires that run a Vineyard and Brewery NW of Red Larch. They are a neutral and relatively peaceful group of vampires that can walk around under the sun. Darrin left the Bancroft box with them.
Luna the Swamp Naga 🔺
- Resides in a swamp to the West of Red Larch. She sometimes acts as an oracle. She has a business relationship with Malachite and is a friend of Andrasti Paintfeather. Her relationship with Darrin is strained.
Mylaela (Elf female)
- Captain/Merc: a sellsword in Womford SE of Red Larch
- Lich, friendly to party. Located in the [Sacred Stone Monastery] – He gave Xodus a package to give to Helios.
Janel Southern Shield Graeson
- Half-orc female mercenary of the Southern Shields Adventuring Party. Met before Abolethe encounter in the mudslide
- Human female mercenary of the Southern Shields Adventuring Party. Met before Abolethe encounter in the mudslide
Jona Walks Here
- Human female mercenary of the Southern Shields Adventuring Party. Met before Abolethe encounter in the mudslide
Jerome Cerulian Cross 🔺
- A Paladin devoted to law and justice along the Sword Coast. Seems to not trust Garren or is suspcious it really is Garren Bronson. Garren Bronson is by alights supposed to be dead.
Great Ratbag
- A crime lord on the rise. Heard the name but that is about all you know.
Lord Verminard 🔺
- A shady figure in Waterdeep?
- Heard of but never met
Plisken Drek 🔺
- A possible mercenary associated with the Cult of the Burning Hatred
- Heard of but never met
Elemental Evil Cultists
- Air Cultists (Cult of the Howling Hatred)
Aerisi Kalinoth (dead?)
- Prophet of the air cultists.
- You think you killed her.
Windharrow (dead)
- Half-moon elf rake and bandit formerly known as Harald Grayspear, Windharrow was given his new name by Aerisi Kalinoth. When Aerisi ran away from home to become the air prophet, she took Windharrow with her. At Aerisi’s insistence, Windharrow recruited a band of flutists from the ranks of new converts to the air cult, calling them the Windwyrds.
Thurl Merosska [dead]
- Thurl Merosska was the leader of the Feathergale Knights. A griffon rider of Waterdeep, Thurl retired after a storm nearly claimed his life. Obsessed with his near-death experience, Thurl learned of Yan-C-Bin and swore an oath to serve the elemental prince in exchange for power. Thurl realized that there were others among the wealthy of Waterdeep who might make worthy servants of Yan-C-Bin. He formed the Feathergale Society to lure likely individuals into the air cult. He indoctrinated his Feathergale knights, one by one, into the cult’s beliefs.
- Earth Cultists (Cult of the Black Earth)
Marlos Urnrayle
- Prophet of the cult. Heard of never me
- Fire Cultists (Cult of the Eternal Flame)
- You have met no one form this cult to the best of your knowledge
- Water Cultists (Cult of the Crushing Wave)
Gar Shatterkeel
- Prophet of the cult. Heard of but never met.
Jolliver Grimjar (dead)
- A mercenary lord and his band of sellswords occupy Rivergard Keep (An entry point into the Temple of the Crushing Wave. You killed him.
GRACELAND (Upside Down World)
Brine Wete
- Company Commander of Black Jack Company. She rescued your party from the dragon attack when you recovered the journal evidence pertaining to the possible location of the Lauron Family Castle.
- Lich female- Runs the Trading Post
- Lich female- Runs the Trading Post
Delmar Tales (Commander)
- Senior operations adviser for the army at Graceland.
- Lich Male - Weapons
- Lich Male - Weapons
Ellen Louise Ripley (General)
- Leader of the Graceland outpost. The sole army holding Orcus back from conquering the plane.
Lange Tongue
- Senior logistical analyst for the Graceland forces. Primarily deals with supplying armor and weapons to the troops.
- An Angel responsible for operations against the endless war in the Northern Sector
- An Angel responsible for operations against the endless war in the Northern Sector
- Lich Female- Runs armor
- Lich Female- Runs armor
- Lich Male - Magical Items (non weapons and Armor)
- Lich Male- General Goods
Lauron Castle (Upside Down World)
Caleb Rice
- A vampire prisoner you found in the Lauron Castle Prison. He is injured and reports he is being held because Lord Cedrick Lauron is not pleased with him. He had a stake embedded in his heart.
- A vampire prisoner you found in the Lauron Castle Prison. He is injured and reports he is being held because Lord Cedrick Lauron is not pleased with him. He had a stake embedded in his heart.
Chrothum the Putrid
- A necromancer associated with the Lauron Family
Lady Beron Lauron
- Ancient vampire, bard and wife to Master Ezriel Lauron.
Lord Vinegaus
- Sovereign dragon king stuck in the Lauron Court yard
Master Ezriel Lauron 🔺
- Ancient vampire, bard, son of Lord Cedrick Lauron and Baroness Madeline Lauron.
Quasnic Lagru
- Female Half-Orc disguised as a lich named Nu. She confided in Andrasti that she has a friend imprisoned here somewhere in the Castle. She also has a panther named Gamich.
Senitar Bladestream
- A female half-elf prisoner in one of the Lauron Castle Prisons
- A drake in Chrothum's workshop who did not attack you and did help you. She is watching over a clutch of children.
Lauron Castle Sewers (Upside Down World)
- An otyugh, adviser to Mezgon (Holy Venomous Servants gang)
- An otyugh, adviser to Vuliev (United Dead gang)
- An otyugh, adviser to Zellix (Imperial Skulls gang)
- A Devourer and leader of the Imperial Skulls gang
- The overlord of all the sewer gangs beneath the Lauron Castle. A Venom Maw Hydra. Those within her circle call themselves the Holy Venomous Servants.
- An obzedat Ghost & leader of the United Dead sewer gang
Not Attached to Any Location
Neilum the Undertaker
- Garren's Nemesis from before the time Garren was put into suspended animation. Neilum is a powerful necromancer who may also be a type of lich. Neilum exists to antagonize Garren and reminds Garren how he will never figure out how to finally kill Neilum. Neilum once turned all of Garren's soldiers into an undead abomination. He is threatening to do it again.
NPCs you have heard about but to the best of your knowledge have not directly encountered
Helios 🔺
- A remarkable Genasi of all the elements who is an accomplished artificer. Seems to have some role in the Apocalypse. He has been in the employ of Thuluna the Hag. Some of your intelligence suggests Helios may be being played. You were originally tasked to find him and bring him back to his mother in Triboar. That story seems to be miss represented. He may have left on his own.
Thuluna Maah (Associated with the Cult of the Howling Hatred)🔺
- A sea hag who may be trying to get control of all princes of elemental evil. She is using Helios for something. She may turn into the Great Witch Charybdis.
The Mangler 🔺
- A potential alternate version of Darrin who is serving Orcus. He has a lobster claw styled left arm. You learned this while in the Upside Down World.
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